
Expressions footwear:expressions-826833

expressions-826833 style display upper has all the greatest and most up to date online deals for you here. Buy expressions-826833 style of expressions footwear women's shoes , so read comment below that other people comment. With somebody buying leading on style expressions-826833, so you can do what you can buy next on expressions-826833 style.

A solid, fashionable shoe! I have a VERY large foot (14WW to be exact) and this shoe, unlike some, didn't make my foot look like a leather boat. I love Magdesians but can't always afford them. I eventually have to bite the bullet because of my foot size and resign myself to this fact. But I almost never regret a Magdesian purchase. This is a timeless shoe with a nice, constructed fit. If you have a wide foot like me, this shoe is a good choice. It also holds your foot in very well. I HATE a shoe that lets your foot flop around and look even bigger. The heel is stable and I love the all-around classic look of this shoe. It looks good with pants and dresses alike. I only took the comfort level down because the shoe is VERY tight for a wide foot on first fit. It does, however, loosen up with wear.


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